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I came across your tutorial on external flash I could not get enough of it. I bought one and had no idea how to work it. Your tutorial did teach me a lot, you seem to explain it in detail. You made it ...

I'm heavily considering purchasing the new FujiFilm x100...Any thoughts on this type of camera? ...

Hello everyone, We decided to add another short video on some basic Timelapsing and long exposure shots. This video is meant more for demonstrating camera setting equipment usage. However, we will pro ...

Learn professional photography by starting at the beginning. In this episode you will learn what your histogram is and how to read it, as well as what your metering modes are (Evaluative, Partial, spo ...

Learn professional photography by starting at the beginning. In this series of tutorials you will learn the technical aspect as well as the artistic side of photography - you'll be taking GREAT images ...